Why are we here

Hello! My name is Nathan Dillon. I’m so glad you are here on the FiveFiveFourEight website. 

FiveFiveFourEight started as a dream. “Wouldn’t it be great to sync this music in television shows or movies?” I met Jake Belser many years ago, in his studio, Primary Sound Studios, located in Bloomington, Indiana. Jake is a golden-eared studio owner, producer, engineer and audio professor at Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. I honestly don’t know the first time we met. It was probably in the late 90s or early 2000s but we really started to get to know each other around 2016. 

I dreamt of an organization that could deliver any and all kinds of music to people that needed it. Jake had similar ideas. We started inviting people into this dream and the dream became real.  We started submitting to music postings on different A&R websites like Taxi Music. Things were coming together. We started making songs-to-order! It was an amazing feeling. We were still missing some key components, like other songwriters/composers besides myself, but things were humming along! 

Then COVID struck. The last person I saw before lockdown was Jake. We were mixing a song and putting in some flooring downstairs in the studio, then it all stopped. 

During lockdown, I had (plenty) of time to think about the future of this fledgling group, as well as my own limitations as a musician and decided to go back to school and study film music composing in earnest. Jake helped facilitate meeting the amazing professors that run the Scoring for Visual Media department at Indiana University Jacobs School of Music - Larry Groupe and Steven Thomas and before I knew it, I was back in music school!

Studying at IU has opened up a world of musicians, composers, songwriters, and audio engineers. That, and our group’s growing reputation has brought us into contact with all kinds of great creators and, as our group grows, so does our ability to help you with just the right music you have been listening for, but been unable to find.